Digitalization and documentation project

Mentoring took over on behalf of Municipality of Athens Business Computer, the development of study of feasibility to indentify the qualitative and quantitative specifications to digitalization and documentation of files of the Directorate of the City Plan and Urban Planning of the Municipality of Athens, as well as the functional and technical requirements of project.…

Consulting services for the technical support of HCDCP

Mentoring S.A. undertook the “Provision of consulting services for the technical support of Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention (H.C.D.C.P.) in the implementation of a co-financed Action by Own Resources titled “Development of Day Center for prostituted persons and people belonging to vulnerable groups” which is financed by the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”.

Support of Travel Plan Group

MENTORING S.A undertook the provision of consulting services for the effective support of Travel Plan Group (Eurostar S.A.), in order to identify the investment projects to be submitted for funding during the years 2013 to 2015 and the eligible investment costs, select the appropriate funding sources and provide coordination and support services to both company’s…

Project for the General Panarkadiko Hospital of Tripoli

Mentoring SA undertook the project “Technical Assistance consulting services to the General Panarkadiko Hospital and the General Psychiatric Hospital of Tripoli”, that relates to the provision of specialized Technical Consultancy Services, to develop actions to strengthen the administrative and organizational effectiveness of the Hospital. The aim is to accelerate the ripening process and the implementation…

Technical Assistance of the Municipality of Elefsina

Mentoring SA undertook the project “Technical Assistance of the Municipality of Elefsina”, that relates to the provision of specialized Technical Consultancy Services, to develop actions to strengthen the administrative and organizational effectiveness of the Municipality. The aim is to accelerate the ripening process and the implementation process of co-financed projects with high added value for…