Operational Programs of Municipalities

During the process of upgrading the organization and functioning of Local Authorities, the New Code for Municipalities and Communities was implemented at the beginning of 2007. Municipal Operational Programs were introduced as a requirement for Local Authorities under the new Code (Articles 203 – 207), aimed at modernizing the institutional framework governing the functioning of organizations. The Municipality Operational Programs include all actions by the municipal utility companies, the municipal limited companies, and public bodies, directly controlled by each municipality.

MENTORING S.A. implements Operational Programs that not only meet needs of the State, but also, in parallel, act as tools for developing, financing, and effectively implementing long-term projects.
MENTORING S.A. has supported the drafting of regional development plans under the Operational Program for Public Sector Municipalities such as those of Argos, Lefkada, and Amaliada.


Regional Development Plans

MENTORING S.A. provides Public bodies integrated services on the preparation of development plans and establishes mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the results of implementation.

The company combines up to date knowledge on current trends Regional Development, with expertise in methodological tools, especially in strategic and operational planning. Implementation Methodology applied by the company ensures that development plans are prepared to apply and offer long-term, measurable results.

MENTORING S.A. has supported the drafting of Regional Development Programs for Public bodies such as those of Aitoloacarnania and Ilia.


Feasibility Studies

The new institutional framework for Local Authority Organizations addresses the shortcomings that accumulate over the years, primarily due to how these organizations were previously financed and how they previously defined their roles as organizations. Feasibility Studies determine roles, activities, staffing, the organisation, and the financial planning of such organizations.

MENTORING S.A. has supported the development of Feasibility Studies for Public Organizations, such as the Local Organization for Culture, Economy, Tourism, and Social Development of Lefkada , Developmental Organization of Nafpaktos, Public Benefit Municipal Cultural Development of Mykonos.