The Social Business Excellence Awards are enacted for the first time in Greece under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, in order to highlight and reward viable business plans of existing or establishing social enterprises.
The Social Business Excellence Awards are enacted for the first time in Greece under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, in order to highlight and reward viable business plans of existing or establishing social enterprises.
In particular, the new institution aims:
- In encouraging the participation in new alternative form of enterprise, like Social Entrepreneurship, bringing out experienced and new entrepreneurs who have developed innovative ideas for the benefit of society.
- In recognition of social entrepreneurship as a key pillar in order to increase employment and as a response to the problems of unemployment and social exclusion
- In developing partnerships and networking among young social entrepreneurs, innovators, institutional stakeholders, large businesses and members of the investment community.
The contest will bring out the social enterprises (existing and under establishment) who serving effectively and sustainably, the “double bottom line” of any social enterprise, namely:
- Creating economic goodwill
- The achievement of a measurable social purpose
In the competition, is expected to participate business plans from a number of areas of activity, such as new ICT technologies, Environment, care services for the Elderly and Children, Culture, Tourism etc.
Social Business Excellence Awards are enacted from the Development Partnership “PROSVASIS”. The Development Partnership PROSVASIS is an initiative of the Hellenic Society for Disabled Children, the Athens Chambers of Commerce and industry (ACCI), the Panhellenic Federation of Societies of Parents and Guardians of Disabled People (POSGAmeA) and Mentoring SA.
The British Council and the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas National Documentation Centre participate in the organization of the Social Business Excellence Awards.
Amphitrite Social Enterprise is Responsible for the organization of the contest.
“Amphitrite Social Enterprise” was incorporated in September 2013 and its objective is to support social inclusion through employment of persons belonging to vulnerable groups. The Company has been registered in the Social Economy General Register of the Greek Ministry of Labour (Registration Nr. A00238)
The presentation of Social Business Excellence Awards took place on 29.05.2014 at 12.00 in The National Research Foundation.