Mentoring S.A., as a partner of the Development Partnership “PROSVASIS”, participates in the implementation of the project “Integrated Actions of Vocational Integration of People with Physical Disabilities and Brain Damage in the region of Attica”, in the framework of the co-financed program “TopEKO – Local Integrated Programs for Vulnerable Social Groups”.
Core of the intervention is the promotion of disabled people residing in Attica to employment, using education and counseling as key drivers, to develop an Integrated Action Plan. The 70 recipients of the intervention will acquire the necessary skills to “draw up an individual career path”, that leads to employment, work experience and entrepreneurship, oriented in modern, productive and competitive sectors, through the establishment of Social Enterprise Cooperative or other partnerships in the social economy, ensuring benefits to beneficiaries with disabilities. In this framework, Mentoring S.A. supports the project by providing the know-how and its business networks, supporting the beneficiaries when they are in employment, developing business plans for new, innovative business activities, implementing a study of the local market for the appropriate targeting of beneficiaries, as well as providing business consulting services.
The other members of the D.P. “PROSVASIS” are the Hellenic Society for Disabled Children (ELEPAP), the Panhellenic Federation of Societies of Parents and Guardians of Disabled People (POSGAmeA) and the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA).
Mentoring S.A., as a partner of the D.P. “SOLIDARITY NETWORK”, also participates in the implementation of the project “Mission for Social Inclusion and Employment of Vulnerable Groups”, that focuses on job creation as a result of diagnosing specialized local needs and promoting development opportunities in the areas of intervention.
The other members are NGO Apostoli, the Apostolic Diakonia of the Church of Greece, the Utility of Municipality of Moschato – Tavros, the Vocational Training Center Apopsi, the Hellenic Management Association (EEDE), NGO Diogenis and the Network of Employment and Social Welfare.