Τhe action “From Learning to Practice”, was completed with great success. The action was organized by the General Secretariat of Youth in cooperation with the Hellenic Association of Management Consulting Firms (SESMA) and the Hellenic Management Consulting Association (ELESMA), in the context of strengthening youth entrepreneurship and employment.

Seventy young people who have been graduated had the chance to participate in the seminars organized by this action. The Seminars were held by executives of the market and included 9 sections.

The objectives of this action were:

  • The transfer of experience in combination with practical knowledge.
  • The preparation for the support of innovative ideas.
  • The capability of networking the executives who work in companies of Management Consulting with young people with relevant interests.

MENTORING S.A., as an active member of the Hellenic Association of Management Consulting Firms (SESMA), participated in a cycle of seminars covering the unity of European Programs.

For more information, please visit the site: www.sesma.gr